12 May 2008

Birmingham City Council House

Quite unsurprisingly, this is the centre for Birmingham City Council. It is a Grade II listed building and has offices for employed and elected council members, a council chamber, Lord Mayor's Suite, committee rooms and a large and ornate banqueting suite, complete with minstrels' gallery. The balcony you see in the photo is apparently used by visiting dignitaries and victorious sports teams to address crowds assembled below, although I've never seen it being used!

The Council House has its own postcode, B1 1BB.

Outside at the front is Victoria Square and on the left side (when facing the bulding) is Chamberlain Square. The left side of the building has a large entrance which leads into Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, the admission into which is free and is well worth a visit.

The water feature statue in the photo is part of a larger water feature out of shot. The design, by Dhruva Mistry is called The River but is nicknamed and has become more commonly known as The Floozie in the Jacuzzi. It isn't part of the council house and I'll go into more detail in another post.


Jane Hards Photography said...

Now here is a buliding I remember well. Floozie in the Jacuzzi. I seem to have been away far to long to know of such things.

Off to a good start.

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

You did it! Yayyyy. I shall link you asap. Looking good, Shutterspy!

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

I shall ignore the fact that you linked the other Cheltenham Daily instead of me.... huff. Ah well i'm still thrilled you're here in Daily Photo land. lol

Jane Hards Photography said...

Consider youself linked. Have you joined the daily city blogs yet?

Shutterspy said...


Thanks :)

No, how do I join the daily city photo blogs?


Where did you spring from? I'm embarassed now. I don't recognise you. Please don't be offended. I'm bad at names...I know I've seen you around before...


Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Tut tut Shutterspy! I commented on you saying - at Paris PDP - that you wouldn't do a Birmingham DP as you weren't sure you could find anything.

I then listed you the jewellery quarter, Selfridges, the canals, blah blah! It may have been a few weeks ago. Glad you did anyway.

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

You wouldn't recognise me anyway since in the last week i've been changing my profile shot more than i've had hot dinners!
Thanks for linking me!! I'm linking you at Things UK blog where i do all my linking.

Shutterspy said...

Oh, sorry! *is embarassed*

I'm just as hopeless at recognising people online as I am in real life! lol :-D

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